Photocoagulation of the iris with the Zeiss light coagulator is a modality of treatment which was originated by Meyer-Schwickerath.1It is done for two principal reasons: to remove visual obstruction when the iris is displaced so that it blocks the visual axis, or to permit free flow of aqueous if the iris is causing an obstruction between the posterior and anterior chamber. In contradistinction to the numerous articles published dealing with light coagulation of retinal disease, little has been added to Meyer-Schwickerath's description of anterior segment photocoagulation, possibly because many ophthalmologists have not found the method particularly useful. Certain modifications of the standard apparatus and original technique have improved our results in photocoagulation of anterior segment lesions. The most common indication for photocoagulation of the iris is corepraxia, or creation of a new pupil in the updrawn iris subsequent to vitreous loss or wound separation in cataract surgery. However,