Evidence that the repair deficient mei‐9a female in drosophila melanogaster is a strong potentiator of chromosome loss induced in the paternal genome by dimethyinitrosamine

From matings of Xc2/BsYy+ males treated or not with 2.5 mM DMN (dimethylnitrosamine) with repair‐deficient mei‐9a females or with ordinary females, induced frequencies of observed (recovered) chromosome loss were 3.69% and 0.65% and inferred (non‐recovered) ring‐X loss based on shifts in sex ratio (♀♀/♂♂) was 47.9% and 9.4%, respectively. Results indicate that the mei‐9a female is a strong potentiator of DMN‐induced chromosome damage in sperm and suggest that DMN‐induced chromosome lesions are produced in substantially higher frequency in treated sperm than deducible after crosses with repair‐efficient females.