Several models are developed for the high-wavenumber portion of the spectral transfer function of scalar quantities advected by high-Reynolds-number, locally isotropic turbulent flow. These models are applicable for arbitrary Prandtl or Schmidt number, v/D, and the resultant scalar spectra are compared with several experiments having different v/D. The ‘bump’ in the temperature spectrum of air observed over land is shown to be due to a tendency toward a viscous-convective range and the presence of this bump is consistent with experiments for large v/D. The wavenumbers defining the transition between the inertial-convective range and viscous-convective range for asymptotically large v/D (denoted k* and k1* for the three- and one-dimensional spectra) are determined by comparison of the models with experiments. A measurement of the transitional wavenumber k1* [denoted (k1*)s] is found to depend on v/D and on any filter cut-off. On the basis of the k* values it is shown that measurements of β1 from temperature spectra in moderate Reynolds number turbulence in air (v/D = 0·72) maybe over-estimates and that the inertial-diffusive range of temperature fluctuations in mercury (v/D ≃ 0·02) is of very limited extent.