Measuring the deviation of the 2–3 lepton mixing from maximal with atmospheric neutrinos

The measurement of the deviation of the 2–3 leptonic mixing from maximal, D231/2sin2θ23, is one of the key issues for understanding the origin of the neutrino masses and mixing. In the 3ν context we study the dependence of various observables in the atmospheric neutrinos on D23. We perform the global 3ν-analysis of the atmospheric and reactor neutrino data taking into account the effects of both the oscillations driven by the solar parameters (Δm212 and θ12) and the 1–3 mixing. The departure from the one-dominant mass scale approximation results into the shift of the 2–3 mixing from maximal by Δsin2θ230.04, so that D230.04±0.07 (1σ). Though the value of the shift is not statistically significant, the tendency of the allowed region to move towards smaller values of sin2θ23 is robust. The shift is induced by the excess of the e-like events in the sub-GeV sample. We show that future large scale water Cherenkov detectors can determine D23 with accuracy of a few percent, comparable with the sensitivity of future long-baseline experiments. Moreover, the atmospheric neutrinos will provide unique information on the sign of the deviation (octant of θ23).