Effective interactions in liquidHe3

The effective interaction between a pair of He3 atoms in liquid He3 is calculated within the Galitskii-Feynman (GF) T-matrix approximation. With the use of this T matrix, the single-particle energy spectrum ε(k) is calculated in the Hartree-Fock (HF) limit. This continuous ε(k) is used as an input spectrum for the T matrix (for both initial and intermediate states), and ε(k) and the T matrix Γ are evaluated iteratively until consistent. We believe this is the first fully iterative calculation using a continuous ε(k) in He3. We find (a) that the total E3.7 K at the observed saturated-vapor-pressure volume is much lower than values (E1.0 K) found previously with the use of a spectrum having a gap at the Fermi surface k=kF, (b) that any continuous ε(k) in Γ leads generally to a much lower E [and ε(k)] than one having a gap at kF, (c) that the scattering to intermediate hole states included in the GF T matrix does not change Γ, ε(k), or E significantly from the more usual Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone T matrix for which only scattering to intermediate particle states is allowed, (d) that the rearrangement contributions to ε(k) are negligible with the use of the GF T matrix making the dynamical and statistical ε(k) the same in the T-matrix approximation, (e) that in the HF approximation, m*(k)0.9 largely independent of k, and (f) that, when the energy dependence of the self-energy is included, m*(k,E) is enhanced at kkF and somewhat above kF, especially at smaller volumes.

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