Search for Resonant Absorption of Solar Axions Emitted in M1 Transition in $^{57}$Fe Nuclei

A search for resonant absorbtion of 14.4 keV solar axions by $^{57}$Fe target was performed. The Si(Li) detector placed inside the low-background setup was used to detect the $\gamma$-quanta appearing in the deexcitation of 14.4 keV nuclear level: $A+\rm{^{57}Fe} \to \rm{^{57}Fe^{*}} \to \rm{^{57}Fe} + \gamma$. The new upper limit for the hadronic axion mass have been obtained: $m_{A} \leq 151$ eV (90% C.L.) ($S$=0.5, $z$=0.56).

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