Developmental morphology of the thalloid Hydrobryum japonicum (Podostemaceae)

We describe the unique development and branching of lobed thalli in Hydrobryum japonicum. Lobe formation begins with meristem initiation at random sites near the thallus margin fringed by protective tissues. As the protective tissues are successively peeled off particularly in the growing new lobes, the lobes become naked and then become fringed again by new protective tissues that develop from the marginal part of the new meristems. Subsequently the meristems become less active and are differentiated into parenchymatous ground tissue at maturity. The random pattern of meristem formation during the sporadic development gives rise to a nonorderly branching pattern of the thalli. Some other lobes (∼10%) are regenerated from injured parts of the thalli. The vegetative shoots arise endogenously near the thallus margin and are enclosed by the nonvascular strand nets. The rudimentary shoot apices remain embedded in the thalli. The thalli, though remarkably different from typical roots of other angiosperms, might be extremely transformed roots.
Funding Information
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science