Vast importance is being placed in Europe on the development of third-generation mobile telecommunications systems, since it is expected that mobile and personal communications will become a key driver for growth and innovation in the next millenium as well as being a necessary building block of the wireless information society. Significant progress has been made since 1988 by a number of European Union funded R&D projects working toward the development of future generations of mobile communication concepts, systems, and networks. The ACTS (Advanced Communications Technologies and Services) program will offer, in the period 1995-1998, service providers, communications operators, and equipment manufacturers greater opportunities to master and trial mobile and personal communications services and technologies. From the user's perspective the ACTS program will strive to ensure that current mobile services are extended to include multimedia and broadband services, that access to services are made without regard to the underlying networks, and that convenient, lightweight, compact, and power-efficient terminals adapt automatically to whatever air-interface parameters are appropriate to the user's location and desired services.