Six -Year Experience with Swan Neck Catheters

From the beginning of our continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) program in January 1977 until June 1985, we used Tenckhoff and Toronto Western Hospital catheters. Throughout these years catheter survival probabilities of about 30% at three years persisted unchanged and were similar to survival probabilities reported by the National CAPD Registry special survey for these catheters. The first improvement in catheter results regarding leaks was noted after the adoption of lateral catheter insertion. Malfunction was less using swan neck prototypes from August 1985 to April 1986. The latter catheters were made of 80° are angle tubing between 8.5 cm spaced cuffs and were inserted in a reversed U-shape tunnel with the incision at the top of the tunnel. The use of these catheters was abandoned because of high cuff extrusion and exit infection rates. The next generation of swan neck catheters, the swan neck Missouri 2 and 3 catheters with straight intraperitoneal segments, improved the results dramatically. These catheters were made of 180° are angletubing between 5 or 3 cm spaced cuffs. The estimated survival probability of 61% at three years more than doubled compared to previously used catheters. Recently we modified the intraperitoneal segment of the catheters, replacing the straight segment with a coiled one. These modified catheters, the swan neck Missouri coiled catheters, have been used exclusively since February 1990. In addition to an acceptable survival probability of 88% at one year, there are two major advantages of these catheters, the same as for other coiled catheters: elimination of infusion pain due to a jet effect and pain related to straight catheter tip pressure on the peritoneum experienced by some patients.