Thermische Zerfallsreaktionen von Nitroverbindungen in Stosswellen. II: Dissoziation von Nitroäthan

A shock wave study of the thermal decomposition of nitroethane in excess Ar at temperatures 900 < T < 1350 K and total concentrations of 4,5 · 10−6 < [Ar] < 3 · 10−4 mol cm−3 showed that the CN‐bond fission is the primary reaction step. This unimolecular reaction could be observed in its transition region near the high pressure limit. The derived rate constants are k = 1015.9 exp (–57 kcal mol−1/RT) s−1 for the high pressure and k0/[Ar] = 1018.0 exp (‐36 kcal mol−1/RT) cm3 mol−1 s−1 (at T ≃ 1100–1200 K) for the low pressure limit.The observed concentration profiles of C2H5NO2 and NO2 permitted to conclude on the subsequent decomposition of the ethyl radical This reaction was found to be in the fall‐off range under the applied conditions.