The exponential optical absorption band tail of Hg1−xCdxTe

The optical absorption edges of Hg0.71Cd0.29Te and CdTe were measured over the temperature range 80≤T≤300 K. The refractive indices of these materials are determined over a large energy range at T=300 K and their dispersion relation is given. The absorption band tail of Hg1−xCdxTe has an exponential shape. Its slope increases with decreasing temperature. It is suggested that this tail is not caused by permanent lattice disorder but is a material property. An empirical expression for the absorption coefficient as a function of temperature and composition is derived. Using this expression, the zero‐intercept cut‐on energy of the infrared transmission spectrum at room temperature is used to define the composition for any desired thickness of Hg1−xCdxTe sample.