Frontal dysfunction in early Parkinson's diseases

Recent studies have suggested that patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) share many of the behavioral deficits found following lesions to the pre-frontal cortex. We assessed the performance of a group of 22 mildly impaired, not-demented parkisonians (I or II Hoehn & Yahr stage) in a test of classification and recall of pictures of familiar objects, which has been demonstrated to be sensitive to frontal damage in patients with unilateral cerebral excision. Parkinsonians utilized fewer categories than normal controls for object classification, while no significant difference was found in the immediate and delayed recall scores. These results support the contention that a subclinical dysfunction of frontal type may be present even in the early stages of PD. A subanalysis of the data suggests that this dysfunction could possibly be aggravated by anticholinergic drugs.