Golgi methods were used to study class V cells within the cat visual thalamus. Counterstaining was combined with Golgi staining to assess the distribution of dendrites relative to cytoarchitectural boundaries. Class V cells were encountered within all laminae of the lateral geniculate nucleus, the medial interlaminar nucleus, and the lateral posterior complex. The cells possess medium-sized perikarya and smooth and varicose or moniliform dendrites. Dendritic appendages are sparse and occur as single or serial swellings on thin processes. Many class V cells exhibit large, sparse dendritic arbors which span laminar or nuclear borders; dendrites were seen to lie within and to cross the interlaminar zones of the lateral geniculate nucleus, and extend beyond this nucleus into the perigeniculate nucleus and medial interlaminar nucleus. Class V cells of the lateral posterior complex send dendrites into the external medullary lamina. Indirect evidence favors the interpretation that the class V cells are thalamo-cortical relay cells.