Medinal-Luminal Prolonged Narcosis

Despite the modifications introduced at Cardiff (1, 2, 3), somnifaine prolonged narcosis remains a dangerous procedure (4, 5), and we had hitherto thought that the method could only be made perfectly safe by reducing the dose below a level which is therapeutically valuable. Witt and Cheavens (6), followed by Day (7), have, however, used a medinal-luminal mixture with apparent safety and with good results, and we have followed their technique in 60 cases. A mixture containing medinal 5 gr. and luminal 1 gr. in each drachm is used. The first dose is 2 drm., which is repeated 4-hourly till sleep occurs; thereafter 1 drm. is given as required. The usual methods of nursing are adopted (3, 4), and Day claimed that narcosis could be continued for as long as 78 days with a gain in weight of from 5 to 30 lb.