Thermodynamic analysis of ion effects on the binding and conformational equilibria of proteins and nucleic acids: the roles of ion association or release, screening, and ion effects on water activity

The purpose of this review is to examine the various effects of low- molecular-weight electrolytes on the associations and interactions of proteins and nucleic acids. Our primary interest is in general electrostatic effects, rather than chemical effects (specific interactions) of particular ions (e.g. transition metals, protons). We consider those interactions in which a variation in salt concentration has a significant effect on the macromolecular equilibrium, and analyse the effects of salt in these situations in terms of (i) direct participation of ions in the biopolymer reaction, (ii) Debye—Hückel screening by salt ions of the charge interactions on the biopolymers, and (iii) the reduction in water activity brought about at high salt concentrations.