Observation of DirectCPViolation inB0π+πDecays and Model-Independent Constraints on the Quark-Mixing Angleϕ2

We report a new measurement of the time-dependent CP-violating parameters in B0π+π decays with 535×106 BB¯ pairs collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e collider operating at the Υ(4S) resonance. We find 1464±65 B0π+π events and measure the CP-violating parameters Sππ=0.61±0.10(stat)±0.04(syst) and Aππ=+0.55±0.08(stat)±0.05(syst). We observe large direct CP violation with a significance greater than 5 standard deviations for any Sππ value. Using isospin relations, we measure the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa quark-mixing matrix angle ϕ2=(97±11)° for the solution consistent with the standard model and exclude the range 11°<ϕ2<79° at the 95% confidence level.