Organisation of the reticular thalamic projection to the intralaminar and midline nuclei in rats

This study examines the projection of the reticular thalamic nucleus to the classic "nonspecific" dorsal thalamic nuclei of rats. Individual nuclei of the intralaminar (central-lateral, paracentral, central-medial, parafascicular) and the midline (reuniens/rhomboid, parataenial) nuclear groups, together with the reticular nucleus itself, were injected with the neuronal tracers biotinylated dextran or fluorescent latex microspheres (red or green). Reticular cells projecting to the intralaminar and midline nuclei are limited largely to the rostral pole of the nucleus. Within the rostral pole, most reticular cells projecting to the intralaminar and midline nuclear groups are found in largely distinct sectors; cells that project to the intralaminar nuclei tend to lie more laterally, whereas those projecting to the midline nuclei lie more medially within the pole. Among the individual nuclei of both the intralaminar and midline nuclear groups, however, the segregation is far less distinct. For instance, the reticular cells that project to the intralaminar central-lateral, central-medial, paracentral, and parafascicular nuclei are intermixed completely on the lateral edge of the rostral pole. After separate injections of different colored latex microspheres into individual intralaminar nuclei, the incidence of double-labelled reticular cells is about 37%, a percentage much higher than among the "specific" dorsal thalamic nuclei (< 1%). All the above-mentioned results refer to the reticular labelling seen on the side ipsilateral to the injection. After separate injections into the intralaminar central-medial nucleus, the midline nuclei, and the reticular nucleus itself, we also see a very small group of reticular cells labelled on the contralateral side. In general, our results indicate that the reticular projection to the intralaminar and midline nuclei is far more diffuse than the reticular projection to the specific dorsal thalamic nuclei.