T=1States in theA=12System

An analysis of available data, with emphasis on the B11(d,p) and B11(p,x) reactions, indicates that the analogs of the first seven B12 states can be identified in C12. Neutron reduced widths γλn2 for the first six states in B12 are calculated from spectroscopic factors which were extracted from the B11(d,p) data by use of a distored-wave Born approximation analysis. Proton reduced widths γλp2 of the C12 analog states are deduced from observed widths by use of an R-matrix formulation. It is found that the analog relationship γλ n22γλ p2=1 is satisfied to within ∼30% for all of the observed pairs of states, except for the pair corresponding to the B12 first excited state. The possibility that this discrepancy is due to experimental error is discussed.