The action of certain chemical substances on the zoospores ofPseudoperonospora Humuli(Miy. et Takah.) Wils

1. BothPseudoperonospora HumuliandPhytophihora infestansare extremely susceptible in the zoospore stage to the action of weak solutions of soap or saponin. The zoospores are caused to disintegrate suddenly, apparently by changes in surface tension, within 60 seconds, in solutions containing over 0·1 per cent, soft soap. Those ofP. Humuliare more vulnerable than those ofP. infestans.2. The fungicidal action of soap and saponin mixed with certain adherent substances was tested on hop plants.3. The power of adhesion and the fungicidal efficiency of the mixtures were tested by allowing single drops to dry on the surface of watch glasses and by then adding drops of water containing zoospores.4. Other substances,e.g.aluminium-lime mixture, glycerine, iodine, bromine, were also found to kill zoospores rapidly.

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