692. The influence of carbon dioxide on the growth of lactic streptococci

The initial rate of growth ofStr. lactisandStr. cremorisin skim-milk depends upon the proportion of CO2present in solution. When CO2is constantly swept from the milk medium by a stream of CO2-free gas all strains show a very prolonged lag period. They eventually emerge from this lag period after more than 8 hr. and grow well enough to coagulate the milk within 24 hr. For optimal initial growth the lactic streptococci require the presence in solution in the milk of proportions of CO2within the range 0·2 and 2·3% by volume. Some strains have a higher CO2requirement within this range than others. Skim-milk after sterilization contains less than the optimum proportion of CO2for many strains of lactic streptococci.Yeast extract in a proportion of about 0·5% can substitute for CO2in skim-milk.The periodic inversion of cultures in plain skim-milk reduces the initial rate of growth of some of the streptococci, particularly those which form long chains. The reason for this is unknown. It does not occur when yeast extract is present.

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