Induction of mouse and rat liver microsomal enzymes by polychlorinated biphenyls in relation to the PCB levels in tissue

Kanechlor (KC)-300, 400 500 and 600 consisting of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) containing 43, 48, 55 and 61% Cl, respectively, were administered in a single dose of 100 mg/kg to mice and rats. The effect of PCB was investigated by determining pentobarbital sleeping time, liver microsomal hemoprotein contents, PCB level and gas chromatography (GC) pattern in tissue. Pentobarbital sleeping time was prolonged 2-4 times longer than that of control level after 3-4 h of KC treatment in both ICR and ddN strain mice and KC-300 was the most effective. Forty-eight hours after treatment this sleeping time was half that of the control. Sleeping time in ICR strain mice returned to control level 8 days after the treatment with KC-300 and KC-500, but the decrease in sleeping time continued in ddN mice. The prolongation of sleeping time in rats was only 20% the control level at 3 h after KC-300 treatment, but the shortening of sleeping time was more marked than in mice. Both the prolongation of sleeping time in mice treated with KC-300, and the shortening of sleeping time in rats treated with KC-500 were more rapidly effected when an oral dose rather than when a i.p. one was given. Induction of liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 level was maximum in rats treated with KC-600 and increase of hemoprotein level and shortening of sleeping time were proportional to the chlorine content of PCB. The CO-difference spectrum of microsomes from rats treated with KC had an absorbance maximum at 448 nm. Direct relationship between storage of PCB in adipose tissue and the induced effect by KC has also been demonstrated in rats. PCB level in the liver of rats was higher for about 8 h after KC-500 treatment given orally and was lower than the PCB level in adipose tissue after 8 h. The GC-pattern of PCB stored in tissues was different from that of standard KC, indicating that all components were not metabolized at the same rate and that the components of the KC with the longer retention time were metabolized to a lesser degree than those with shorter retention time.