At low temperature (15° C.day/5° C.night) flowering of sweet orange cuttings was not photoperiodically controlled, occurring at 16-, 12-, and 8-hour photoperiods. When plants were transferred, after varying periods of low temperature (15°/8° C.) to warm conditions (30°/25° C.), growth of the buds commenced within a few days of transfer. Flowering response to length of the cold treatment appeared to be quantitative. High temperatures (above 30° C.) appeared to impair development of the flower buds. Temperature had a large influence on the type of inflorescences† formed more leaves were formed on the inflorescences of plants growing at 24°/19° C. and 27°/19°C. than at 18/13° C. and 15°/10°C. No significant differences occurred between 11-and 13-hour photoperiod treatments. These results are discussed in relation to climatic conditions in the field.

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