Vermiculite gelation: structural and textural evolution

Millimetre-sized flakes of a homogeneous, high layer charge vermiculite from S. Olalla (Spain) saturated with l'ornithine cations were made to swell in l'ornithine hydrochloride solutions of various concentrations, and the gel-like structures formed were subjected to uniaxial loads up to 150 g/cm2. Small-angle X-ray diffraction measurements from the swollen flakes show well-modulated intensity patterns from which the equilibrium interlayer distances were obtained for the various swelling conditions. The interlayer spacings can be adequately expressed as normal-logarithmic distribution functions of probability density. The gel texture is described in terms of the average number of elementary layers, all in parallel orientation, constituting independent coherent domains within the swollen flake. Changes in structure and in texture taking place as the gel volume increases, or as water is expelled from the interlayer volume under mechanical compression, are followed by the variation of the corresponding parameters of order.