Until a few years ago, solid‐state nuclear resonance yielded spectra containing broad lines only. Meanwhile, CP/MAS‐NMR spectroscopy has provided a method which gives narrow nuclear resonance lines from a solid‐state specimen as well. Using this technique, it is now possible to produce spectra of “rare” nuclei (13C, 29Si, 15N etc.) which are resolved in terms of chemical structure. The analytical capabilities of NMR spectroscopy can be applied to the solid state: it may be that it is necessary to identify compounds in the solid state because, for example, a solvent would alter the coordination sphere, or that it is desired to monitor chemical reactions in the solid state, for example the baking of an enamel. Where a substance in the solid state is concerned, high‐resolution 13C‐NMR spectroscopy provides not only information about the chemical structure, but also about the solid state itself. To mention just a few examples, information on the conformation, crystal structure and molecular dynamics, as well as molecular miscibility is given. This opens up a broad spectrum of applications, from a statement concerning the crystal modification of an active substance in ready‐to‐use pharmaceutical preparations, e.g. tablets, to the question of whether two polymers are miscible with one another at a molecular level.