Detection of the Nicotiana rustica chloroplast genome coding for the large subunit of Fraction I protein in a somatic hybrid in which only the N. tabacum chloroplast genome appeared to have been expressed

Nine plants were produced from anthers of a somatic hybrid which had been obtained by fusion of Nicotiana tabacum L. and N. rustica L. protoplants. As determined by electrofocusing, the Fraction I protein of the original somatic hybrid had largesubunit polypeptides exclusively of the N. tabacum type. Two of the plants regenerated from anthers contained Fraction-I-protein large subunits exclusively of the N. rustica type. Since each plant was regenerated from a single cell, the somatic hybrid must have had cells containing both the N. tabacum and N. rustica chloroplast genome although the latter was not expressed. Possibilities to account for this non-expression of a chloroplast genome in the somatic hybrid are discussed.