Remodeling in the Microcirculation of Rat Skeletal Muscle During Chronic Ischemia

To establish the time course and extent of remodeling of terminal microcirculation in ischemic rat skeletal muscle during prolonged low flow that does not lead to inflammation. One common iliac artery was ligated via laparotomy in adult Sprague-Dawley rats and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles removed at intervals (1, 2, and 5 weeks) postsurgery. Serial frozen EDL sections were stained to show capillaries (alkaline phosphatase), cell proliferation (antibody to proliferating cell nuclear antigen [PCNA]), terminal microvessels (antibodies to alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) or endothelial nitric oxide synthase [eNOS]), and macrophages (antibodies to infiltrating and resident macrophages). Total muscle eNOS protein was quantified by standard Western blotting techniques. Capillary proliferation was very limited in ischemic EDLs, with a modest 12% increase in the capillary/fiber ratio after 5 weeks, preceded at 2 weeks by increased numbers of PCNA-positive nuclei at capillary sites. There was no muscle necrosis or evidence of inflammation, based on macrophage staining. The number of terminal microvessels that were positive for alpha-SMA and <10 microm in diameter was fewer in ischemic EDLs at all time points, whereas the number of larger positive vessels was unchanged. eNOS-positive vessels <10 microm in diameter were stained similarly throughout ischemic muscles as the controls, and showed a similar increase in vessel/fiber ratio as the capillaries. The total eNOS protein level was similar to that in controls in ischemic EDLs after 1 and 2 weeks, but was 28% lower after 5 weeks. Prolonged, moderate flow reduction to skeletal muscles does not necessarily lead to inflammation or extensive capillary growth. Based on eNOS staining, the terminal microcirculation remains intact, but the loss of alpha-SMA immunoreactivity may indicate remodeling involving the "deinvestment" of microvessels by smooth muscle.

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