Focal Brain Ischemia in the Rat: Methods for Reproducible Neocortical Infarction Using Tandem Occlusion of the Distal Middle Cerebral and Ipsilateral Common Carotid Arteries

This article describes a 3-year experience with focal neocortical ischemia in three rat strains. Multiple groups of adult Wistar (n = 50), Fisher 344 (n = 31), and spontaneously hypertensive (n = 72) rats were subjected to permanent occlusion of the distal middle cerebral (MCA) and ipsilateral common carotid arteries (CCA). Twenty-four hours later the animals were killed, and frozen brain sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin to demarcate infarcted tissue. The infarct volume for each section was quantified with an image analyzer, and the total infarct volume was calculated with an iterative program that summed all interval volumes. Neocortical infarct volume was the largest and most reproducible in the spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Statistical power analysis to project the numbers of animals necessary to detect a 25 or 50% change in infarct volume with α = 0.05 and β = 0.2 revealed that only the SHR model was practical in terms of requisite animals: i.e., <10 animals per group. Tandem occlusion of the distal MCA and ipsilateral CCA in the SHR strain provides a surgically simple method for causing large neocortical infarcts with reproducible topography and volume. The interanimal variability in infarct volume that occurs even in the SHR strain dictates that randomized, concomitant controls are necessary in each study to ensure the accurate assessment of experimental manipulations or pharmacologic therapies.