Superhigh strength and good soft-magnetic properties of (Fe,Co)–B–Si–Nb bulk glassy alloys with high glass-forming ability

Fe -based bulk ferromagnetic glassy alloys with diameters up to 5mm were formed in [(Fe1xCox)0.75B0.2Si0.05]96Nb4 system by the copper mold casting method. The substitution of Co for Fe caused an increase of glass-forming ability as well as an improvement of mechanical and magnetic properties. The bulk glassy alloys exhibited superhigh fracture strength of 39004250MPa , Young’s modulus of 190210GPa , elastic strain of 0.02, and plastic strain of 0.0025. The bulk glassy alloys also exhibited good soft magnetic properties, i.e., saturation magnetization of 0.841.13T , low coercive force of 1.52.7Am , high permeability exceeding 1.2×104 , and Curie temperature of 600690K .