Molecular systematics of Malpighiaceae: evidence from plastid rbcL and matK sequences

Phylogenetic analyses of DNA nucleotide sequences from the plastid genes rbcL and matK were employed to investigate intergeneric relationships within Malpighiaceae. Cladistic relationships generated from the independent data matrices for the family are generally in agreement with those from the combined matrix. At the base of Malpighiaceae are several clades mostly representing genera from a paraphyletic subfamily Byrsonimoideae. Intergeneric relationships among these byrsonimoid malpighs are well supported by the bootstrap, and the tribe Galphimeae is monophyletic. There is also a well-supported clade of genera corresponding to tribes Banisterieae plus Gaudichaudieae present in all trees, and many of the relationships among these banisterioid malpighs are well supported by the bootstrap. However, tribes Hiraeae and Tricomarieae (the hiraeoid malpighs) are paraphyletic and largely unresolved. Species of Mascagnia are distributed throughout these hiraeoid clades, confirming the suspected polyphyly of this large genus. Optimization of selected morphological characters on these trees demonstrates clear phylogenetic trends such as the evolution of globally symmetrical from radially symmetrical pollen, increased modification and sterilization of stamens, and switch from base chromosome number n = 6 to n = 10.
Funding Information
  • National Science Foundation