Optically detected magnetic resonance studies of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 binding to a negatively charged substrate analog

The direct binding of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 and its zymogen to 1,2-bis(heptanylcarbamoyl)-rac-glycerol 3-sulfate was studied by optical detection of triplet-state magnetic resonance spectroscopy in zero applied magnetic field. The zero-field splittings of the single Trp3 residue undergo significnt changes upon binding of phospholipase A2 to lipid. Shifts in zero-field splittings, characterized mainly by a reduction of the E parameter from 1.215 to 1.144 GHz, point to large changes in the Trp3 local environment which accompany the complexing of phospholipase A2 with lipid. This may be attributed to Stark effects caused by the binding of a charged group near Trp3 in the enzyme-lipid ocmplex. The cofactor, Ca2+, which is strongly bound to the enzyme active site, has an influence on the bonding, as reflectd by smaller zero-field splitting shifts. A relatively small change in the Trp environment was observed for the interaction of the zymogen with lipid.