Traumatic Injuries to the Duodenum

Data of 98 patients who had sustained traumatic injuries to the duodenum during a recent 7-year period is reviewed. The overall mortality was 23.5%; that of the blunt injury group was 35%, that of the penetrating injury group was 20%. However, after the establishment of a trauma unit, the mortality for duodenal injuries fell from 32% to 12%. Death from duodenal wounds may be reduced by earlier hospitalization, earlier diagnosis and consequently earlier surgical repair. Vigorous treatment of shock is essential. A specialized trauma unit with personnel experienced in the management of shock and trauma problems provides a better environment to carry out the preoperative and postoperative care of the acutely injured patient. Adequate surgical treatment of the blunt injury and missile injury of the duodenum should consist of the following procedures: 1) repair of the duodenal wall utilizing conventional techniques; 2) internal decompression of the repair by afferent jejunostomy; 3) efferent jejunostomy for postoperative feeding; 4) temporary gastrostomy; and 5) external drainage of the repair. In certain selected instances, the simple stab wound of the duodenum may be treated by conventional repair without decompression, but a loop of jujunum should be sutured over the repair to prevent delayed disruption. The majority of patients with injuries to the duodenum have associated organs injured which also require considered surgical judgment and action.