A case of generalized cytomegaly in adulthood is reported. The patient, a 59-year-old male, underwent stomach surgery for peptic ulcer. Post-operatively, the patient suffered a spontaneous pneumo-thorax which subsequently developed into a pyopneumothorax which terminated lethally with severe respiratory insufficiency. At autopsy, multiple gastro-intestinal ulcers in the immediate region of the opera-tion in addition to a right-side pyopneumothorax were found. Cyto-megalie changes were histologically demonstrable in the lungs, gastro-duodenal ulcers, in the pancreas and in the brain. The cytomegaly in this patient is evaluated as a terminal, concomitant event. The chronic pyopneumothorax, respiratory insufficiency and massive antibiotic dosage probably so changed the reactivity of the organism as to allow a reactivation of the latent virus in the salivary glands.