Limulus ventral photoreceptors contain a homologue of the α‐subunit of mammalian Ns

Membranes from ventral photoreceptors of Limuluswere incubated with cholera toxin and [32P]NAD+. Cholera toxin catalyzes a specific ADP-ribosylation of a 43-kDa peptide from Limulus ventral photoreceptors. Possible homologies between the 43-kDa peptide of Limulus and the α-subunits of mammalian stimulatory, guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory component of adenylate cyclase (Ns) were investigated by comparing the electrophoretic patterns of proteolytic fragments derived from each of these peptides that are radiolabeled by [32P]NAD+ and cholera toxin. Evidence is provided for structural homology between this invertebrate peptide and mammalian Ns.