Heavy-ion charge exchange reactionSi28(O18,F18)Al28

The angular distribution has been measured for the 3+ and 2+ ground state doublet in Al28 with the heavy-ion charge exchange reaction Si28(O18, F18)Al28 at the incident beam energy of 56 MeV. It has been analyzed in terms of the microscopic one-step direct charge exchange model and the second-order DWBA approach with recoil effect taking into account the two-successive transfer: one nucleon stripping and pickup, and pickup and stripping process. The general shape of angular distribution has been reproduced by both approaches. The strength of the spin-isospin dependent two-body interaction potential extracted from one-step calculations is close to the upper limit of uncertainties reported in the light-ion charge exchange experiment. The two-step mechanism turns out to be also important and could be a competing process.