SUMMARY: The cocoon production of 144 Lumbricillus rivalis cultured in pairs at 10 ± 1 °C was high over the first 2 weeks of breeding activity and then declined, chiefly because of high mortality. Cocoon deposition lasted for between 1 and 16 weeks, eight pairs of worms producing cocoons for 9 weeks and one pair for 16 weeks. During the total period of cocoon deposition over 9000 eggs (mean 17·4 per cocoon) were deposited.Two decaying wrack bed populations of L. rivalis showed a low level of cocoon and egg production in autumn, rising to an annual maximum in late winter/early spring. In these populations the mean egg content varied seasonally from 17·1 to 47·8 eggs per cocoon.When cocoons in the laboratory were transferred from the site of deposition to incubation dishes 31% hatched, but those left in the substrate showed a 92% hatch. In the naturally occurring populations 19% of the cocoons detached from seaweed fronds hatched, but 62% of those left in situ.Eggs and worm embryos developed to relatively late stages in most cocoons, whatever the rate of hatching; development often continued for up to 2 months after deposition without hatching.Over 50% of the fertile eggs in cocoons from decaying wrack hatched and developed to 5 mm worms.