Magnetic-environment model of Ni-Pt and Ni-Pd alloys

A model previously developed for alloys of nickel with nonmagnetic impurities, in which the magnetic moment of nickel depends on its magnetic and chemical environment, has been extended to the case of nickel alloys with impurities that acquire a magnetic moment such as Ni-Pd and Ni-Pt. The fitting of the data of average moments versus concentration in the Ni-Cu, Ni-Pd, and Ni-Pt alloys gives the parameters of the model which, without additional assumptions, describes the diffuse scattering neutron measurements that have been obtained for these alloys. With these parameters, we have also calculated the range parameters of the moment disturbances of the dilute alloys Fe-Pd and Fe-Pt. The model describes with a few parameters the magnetic behavior of Ni-based alloys and shows that only first-neighbor interactions are necessary to explain the long-range-moment disturbances measured with neutrons.