The Effects of Irradiation Dose and Temperature on Cured Ham

This investigation was conducted to determine the irradiation dose and temperature effects on the radiation induced sensory characteristics (discoloration, off-odor, irradiation flavor, off-flavor, mushiness, and friability) and preference ratings of cured ham. Cured hams were irradiated at doses of 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 megarads and at temperatures of +5, -30, -80, and -130 degs C. Smoked, cured hams were irradiated at doses of 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4. 5, and 6 megarads and at irradiation temperatures of +5, -30, -80, and -130 degs C using a Cobalt source. Data obtained from sensory evaluations on these samples showed that as the dose increased, intensity ratings for all the sensory characteristics increased and the preference ratings decreased. As the temperature of irradiation was lowered, the intensity ratings decreased and preference ratings increased. These results demonstrated the effect dose and temperature of irradiation has on product quality.

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