Lymphoid and Plasma Cell Malignancies: Asbestos-related Disorders of Long Latency

We have identified 13 asbestos workers with lymphoplasmacytic neoplasms: six with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, four with IgG myeloma, two with IgA myeloma, and one with histiocytic lymphoma. The subjects’ occupations were varied, but all had experienced protracted asbestos exposure (ranging from 3–37 years). Tumor latency periods were similar to other known asbestos-related malignancies and ranged from 16–41 years. Stigmata of asbestos-related pulmonary disease were evident in 12 subjects. Malignant pleural mesotheliomas coexisted with IgG myelomas in two individuals, an association which seems unlikely to be fortuitous. It has been speculated previously that asbestos may be a lymphoid system carcinogen. Our findings strongly support this view and indicate that patients presenting de novo with lymphoproliferative neoplasms should be investigated for previous occupational or environmental exposure to asbestos.