Replicase-Derived Resistance AgainstPea early browning virusinNicotiana benthamianaIs an Unstable Resistance Based upon Posttranscriptional Gene Silencing

Virus resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana plants containing a translatable Pea early browning virus (PEBV) 54K sequence from the 201K replicase gene has been reported previously. Resistant plants contain multiple transgene copies divided between two loci. Analysis of a genetic series containing the two loci in separate homozygous or heterozygous condition suggest that only one of the loci is necessary to induce the resistance. The resistance observed in R2 and R3 generations of lines containing both transgene loci in homozygous condition became less consistent in R4 and R5 generations. This inversely correlated with steady-state transgene transcript levels of the segregating populations. The use of recombinant Potato virus X vectors carrying PEBV 54K sequences showed that the resistance is based upon posttranscriptional gene silencing, is non-strand specific, and recognizes 3' located sequences within the PEBV 54K sequence.