Suicide: An Australian psychological society discussion paper

This paper presents a review of literature, research, and practice relating to suicide and intentional self‐injury. It incorporates both an international perspective and a particular focus on Australia. The paper reviews the epidemiological knowledge base, noting its complexity and the ways in which risk factors may vary with the population or subpopulation being studied. While much of the recent focus on suicide has been shaped by the increase in youth suicide, suicide remains a significant problem across all adult age groups. Hence, this paper discusses suicide across the life span, but also identifies youth suicide and Indigenous suicide as two areas of particular concern. In relation to Indigenous suicide, it is important to move from a national focus to examine regional suicide patterns and conditions of risk within particular communities. The paper considers core principles of clinical assessment and intervention, acknowledging the powerful emotions and sensitive, complex judgments involved in this work. Mental health service provision is briefly reviewed and issues of concern identified, ranging from gaps in services to the need for more research and training in referral processes. Conceptualisations of suicide prevention and postvention are outlined, noting considerable debate about preferred approaches and a clear need for careful evaluation.

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