The kinase activity of p60c-src is derepressed by removal of phosphate from Tyr-527, mutation of this residue to Phe, or binding of a carboxy-terminal antibody. We have compared the structures of repressed and active p60c-src, using proteases. All forms of p60c-src are susceptible to proteolysis at the boundary between the amino-terminal region and the kinase domain, but there are several sites elsewhere that are more sensitive to trypsin digestion in repressed than in derepressed forms of p60c-src. The carboxy-terminal tail (containing Tyr-527) is more sensitive to digestion by pronase E and thermolysin when Tyr-527 is not phosphorylated. The kinase domain fragment released with trypsin has kinase activity. Relative to intact p60c-src, the kinase domain fragment shows altered substrate specificity, diminished regulation by the phosphorylated carboxy terminus, and novel phosphorylation sites. The results identify parts of p60c-src that change conformation upon kinase activation and suggest functions for the amino-terminal region.