An analysis was made of a large number of measurements of the lipids in the serum of normal individuals in the postabsorptive state. In most instances, cholesterol, lipid phosphorus, and total fatty acids were measured, permitting the estimation of free fat by difference. On a few occasions, cholesterol partitions were carried out, and more rarely, I numbers were detd. The range of variation of all lipid fractions in the whole series was great, free fat varying most and lipid P least. There is no distinction between the serum lipids of normal [male] and [female] adults. The serum lipids of obese adults and children are indistinguishable from those of normally nourished persons. The ratio of cholesterol to lipid P is more constant than either of the functions of which it is composed. The ratio tends to vary also directly with the cholesterol conc. The ratio of free to total cholesterol is as constant in this series as it has been reported by previous observers, varying only from 0.24-0.32, with an avg. of 0.28. Free fat is not definitely correlated with either cholesterol or lipid P.

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