Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA) is the main constituent of glial filaments and the close similarity of GFA and neurofilament protein has been recently reported. However, the immunofluorescence staining of peripheral nerve which may be observed with GFA antisera is not due to cross-reaction between GFA and neurofilament protein. Staining of peripheral axons was also observed with control sera obtained by injecting the rabbits with nonimmunogenic GFA preparations isolated with the same procedure. Immune GFA antisera and control sera reacted with sodium dodecyl sulfate extracts of sciatic nerve. However, the precipitin line formed with peripheral nerve crossed the line against GFA protein, thus indicating nonidentity between the two antigens. Buffer extract of sciatic nerves that had been incubated with spinal cord reacted by immunodiffusion with GFA antisera, thus indicating that redistribution of GFA occurred under these conditions.

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