Localization of GABA-like immunoreactivity in the ectostriatum of domestic chicks: GABA immunocytochemistry combined with Golgi impregnation

The distribution of GABA-like immunoreactivity (GABA-LI) in the ectostriatal core (Ec) of domestic chicks (one to two days old) was investigated using (1) preembedding GABA immunocytochemistry and (2) Golgi impregnation and gold-toning combined with postembedding GABA immunocytochemistry. Two major classes of neurons which display GABA-LI were identified in chick Ec. Firstly, large GABA immunopositive cells which comprise at least two further subtypes: an ovoid or polygonal form of 14–18 μm diameter with no apparent polarity of dendrites and a smaller cell (10–14 (μm) with ovoid or basket-shaped soma and often more polarized dendritic ramification. In both subtypes the dendritic surface is smooth or sparsely spiny. Secondly, a small GABA immunopositive cell which is characterized by a round cell body of 5–8 μm diameter and thin and sparsely ramifying dendrites of smooth surface or with irregular protrusions. Based upon comprehensive descriptions of ectostriatal cytoarchitectonics (Tömböletal., 1988c), and synaptology (Watanabeet al., 1985), we argue that the GABA-immunopositive cell types of chick Ec are likely to represent inhibitory interneurons comparable with GABAergic inhibitory cell types described in mammalian visual cortex.