Uniquenucleus6optical potentials from elastic scattering of 210 MeVLi6ions bySi28,Ca40,Zr90, andPb208

Differential cross sections for the elastic scattering of Li6 ions have been measured at a bombarding energy of 210 MeV. Angular distributions for Si28 (3.6°45.9°), Ca40 (4.6°43.5°), and Zr90 (4.0°43.6°) extend sufficiently into the rainbow region to enable the extraction of unique Li6 potentials. For the Pb208 target (3.1°36.0°), Coulomb scattering dominates with only a slight evidence of nuclear diffraction at the largest angles. The data were analyzed in terms of a six-parameter phenomenological optical-model potential with Woods-Saxon form factors. The unique potentials obtained show a weak target-mass dependence, which allowed the prediction of Pb208 potential parameters. Using the present results and lower energy analyses, an energy dependence for the nucleus6 potentials was derived. For all targets, the volume integral per nucleon pair of the real potential seems to satisfy a logarithmic energy dependence of the form JR/6A=JR0/6A-β ln Elab with JR0/6A=830±30 MeV fm3 and β=105±5 MeV fm3. This result is consistent with elastic scattering of other light ions. By truncating the angular distributions for the lighter targets up to the rainbow angle, several discrete potentials, corresponding to the different families found at lower energies, were obtained.