Double covers of graphs

A projection morphism ρ: G1G2 of finite graphs maps the vertex-set of G1 onto the vertex-set of G2, and preserves adjacency. As an example, if each vertex v of the dodecahedron graph D is identified with its unique antipodal vertex (which has distance 5 from v) then this induces an identification of antipodal pairs of edges, and gives a (2:1)-projection p: D → P where P is the Petersen graph.In this paper a category-theoretical approach to graphs is used to define and study such double cover projections. An upper bound is found for the number of distinct double covers ρ: G1G2 for a given graph G2. A classification theorem for double cover projections is obtained, and it is shown that the n–dimensional octahedron graph K2,2,…,2 plays the role of universal object.

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