The Effects of Nimodipine on the EEG of Substance Abusers

Cocaine abusers have increased EEG beta and areas of reduced cortical blood flow. Since, nimodipine has neuroprotective effects and increases blood flow, we investigated the efficacy of single and multiple doses of the nimodipine in normalizing the EEG of substance abusers. Fourteen subjects received single (0, 30, 60 mg) and eleven received multiple daily (up to 150 mg in 12 hours) doses of nimodipine to determine whether this drug would increase EEG alpha and decrease beta in substance abusers. The EEG was recorded from eight scalp locations (F3, C3, P3, O1, F4, C4, P4 and O2) for three minutes during eyes closed, and eyes open conditions. Single and multiple doses of nimodipine produced significant increases in EEG alpha and decreases in EEG beta in the eyes open condition. Thus, nimodipine may have potential therapeutic implications in the treatment of cocaine dependence. Chronic nimodipine dosing in cocaine-dependent individuals is now needed to confirm its efficacy in the treatment of cocaine dependence.