Turkey Litter Silage in Rations for Dairy Heifers

Holstein heifers (24) averaging 215 kg were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 treatments containing graded percents of turkey litter silage. All rations contained (dry matter basis) 10% of a concentrate supplement plus 90% corn silage, 15% turkey litter silage and 75% corn silage, 30% turkey litter silage and 60% corn silage and 45% turkey litter silage and 45% corn silage, and were formulated to be isonitrogenous. Torkey litter and corn plant were ensiled separately in concrete silos, and all ingredients were blended prior to feeding. Heifers were weighed at 2 wk intervals during the 84 day study, and blood and ruminal fluid samples were obtained on day 76. Average daily gains (kg) were: .42, .58, .51 and .43 for the heifers receiving either 0, 15%, 30% or 45% turkey litter silage. Average daily gains for heifers on 15% turkey litter silage were higher than for controls. Urea N of plasma was higher for animals on 30% than 45% turkey litter silage. Ruminal ammonia was higher for heifers receiving 30% turkey litter silage than for those receiving 15% or 45% turkey litter silage. Plasma Ca was highest for the control ration while plasma P was highest for the 30% and 45% turkey litter silage. Ruminal propionate (molar %) was lower and butyrate higher for the control ration. Despite differences in plasma and ruminal metabolites, they were normal. Ash-corrected feed efficiency was similar for all treatments. These data show a potential use for turkey litter silage in dairy heifer rations.