Ab initio SCF and CI treatments of the ground state and n → π* and π → π* excited states of pyrazine, C4H4N2, are reported for the molecule in its ground state equilibrium geometry. In the case of n → π* transitions, the two symmetry combinations of nitrogen lone pair orbitals n1 and n2 are found to correspond to the description n+ ≈ n1 + n2 + λσ and n ≈ n1 − n2 in which the n+ orbital has the higher orbital energy and is significantly more delocalized than n by interaction with the pyrazine ring sigma system. This result leads to a significant splitting at the CI level of description of 1.4 eV between the B3u and B2g excited states which are derived from the orbital promotions n+ → π* and n → π* , respectively. Calculated transition energies to the lowest n → π* excited states 3B3u and 1B3u of 3.56 and 4.22 eV, respectively, are in good agreement with experimental values. A low‐lying 3B1u(π → π*) state for which there exists indirect experimental evidence is found to occur between the 3B3u and 1B3u states. Also, an allowed transition to the 1B2u(π → π*) state is calculated at 5.29 eV, slightly above the observed range of absorption. Numerous other excited states are calculated, but of these only the 1B1u(π → π*) and 1B2u(π → π*) states can be identified with observed transitions and in these cases the calculated transition energies are too high by approximately 2.5 eV.