Treatment of autochthonous rat colonic adenocarcinomas with a thioether-lysophospholipid derivative in mono-and combinationchemotherapy

In 361 Sprague-Dawley rats autochthonous colorectal carcinomas were induced by intrarectal application of the carcinogen AMMN. Tumor-bearing animals were treated with a synthetic thiother-lysophospholipid (TLP) derivative and in combination chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and carmustine (BCNU). There was no difference in the survival time of treated and untreated animals. The median large-bowel tumor weight was significantly lower in the TLP/5-FU and TLP/5-FU/BCNU combination therapy groups than in the control groups. Transient hepatotoxicity was observed in the high-dosage (50 mg/kg body weight twice weekly) TLP group. This study confirmed the relative resistance of AMMN-induced colorectal carcinomas to antineoplastic treatment.